See API Docs

Discover the full potential of NFTs

Threshr is the connective tissue that transports NFT utility data across the internet.

Introducing Threshr

A new, simple way to track NFT usability

We provide tools for users to understand and track the real value of their community memberships.

Present your value

Increase conversion rates on your platform by showing users what matters most - the holder perks and access that come with token ownership.

API Integrations

Our easily integratable API gives your platform the power to access and display useful data whenever and wherever you need it.

Enhance features

Leverage Threshr’s search and recommendation functions to provide a more valuable experience to your users.

Easy-to-use widgets

Threshr’s optional low-code widgets can be used easily on any website to display useful perk information of each collection.

Save time

Connect to our Discord bot to save users’ and community managers’ time with slash command access to information.

For Minters

Empower your minting platform to showcase utility

Make the most of your utility data and show the underlying value of everything you have to offer.

For Storefronts

Connect your storefront to give users the information they need

Leverage Threshr's seamless API to promote top-tier collections and holder perks within your ecosystem.

Supported Chains

Utility-Focused Networks

We currently support Ethereum, Polygon, Solana, and Optimism and we are continuing to expand as more networks support great utility!


We are excited to give you early access to our tools

Our mission is to make NFTs more accessible, transparent, and useful. Set up an account below to get started!

© 2023 Threshr. All rights reserved.